Cold Case

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While most cartoonists save their snowman jokes for when it is winter where they live, I decided to be a little less Northern Hemisphere-centric and publish one in June. Also, as I write this, quite a few places in North America are experiencing a record heat wave (no doubt as a result of the elaborate Liberal hoax of “global warming!”) so I figured lots of readers might welcome the sight of a cool landscape. 

Like many other cartoonists throughout history, I love doing cartoons about snowmen. (Are we calling them “snowthems” yet? We will.) Like desert islands and psychiatrist’s couches, it’s one of those irresistible motifs that almost all cartoonists dabble in at some point. I’ve done dozens but this backyard BBQ one and the one in the title panel above it are two of my favorites. As fans of Waterson’s snowmen cartoons will agree, dark humor goes well with snowmen somehow. Perhaps it’s the contrast.

Here’s another one I love from some years ago. It was suggested by my buddy, Rosco, who had a special affinity for snow cones. 

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There are 8 Secret Symbols in the big Sunday cartoon above, but half of them are covered in snow. I had fun working our newest symbol, The Pipe of Ambiguity into this one. Having a snowthem reaching for a pipe fits with the tradition noted in the song, “Frosty the Snowman,” though perhaps I should have drawn a corncob pipe.

Be sure to visit Wayno’s weekly blog, which he always starts with a fun image containing a pipe. This week’s is one of his terrific artisanal beer label drawings and those are always super fun. 

Let us now skip down to Funny Town and see what Wayno’s been smoking to create this week’s Bizarro cartoons… (Full disclosure: Wayno does not smoke any substance. I don’t fully understand that position but it’s his life so I don’t judge him for it and I hope you won’t, either.)

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I’m sorry to report that these days, all I can hear with any kind of shell to my ear is tinnitus.

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There have been some very fun puns in various social media comments about this one. I’ve gotten a chuckle from ones referring to “stalking” and “Tinder”. And the Strawbucks logo is not to be missed, of course!

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I hope her response is, “Thank you for your service.”

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This store is in the Napoleonic Shopping Complex.

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One reader of our Instagram post asked for, “…More cartoons about things being shoved up asses, please.”

We’ll see what we can do.

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I’m not sure if reptiles would make it more or less fun to visit the doctor. By the way, for the less “lizerate” of our readers, Monitor is the name of a certain species of lizard.

Whether you enjoy lizards or not, if you’ve enjoyed what we’re doing here and appreciate that we don’t pummel you with pop-up ads and mindless clickbait, please consider thanking us via one of the links below. We’ll think you’re cool for doing that.

Until next time, don’t forget to be amazed that the odds of your being born are estimated at around 1 in 400 trillion.




Plastic Attraction Parable